Customer Story

Ending Illegal Dumping

The Challenge

Illegal dumping is a problem that impacts not only retail businesses, factories, and warehouses, but also their larger communities as well. Just a few of the major issues that it can cause, if left unchecked include:

Excessively dirty streets

Lowered air quality

Polluted water supplies

Reduced property values

Turning a location into a hub for illegal activity

With EPIC iO’s innovative, holistic solution, organizations can leverage the power of artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things to their advantage. They can not only help address their current illegal dumping issues, but they can put a stop to it moving forward.

The Solution

EPIC iO can not only help solve challenges when it comes to illegal dumping in the short term. It can also act as a viable deterrent to prevent the problem from happening in the future as well. We use:

Surveillance systems including sensors, cameras, and LPR to help monitor an area 24/7/365

An AI-powered solution to detect illegal dumping as it is happening

A mobile solar trailer that can be moved to monitor multiple locations in an environment

If illegal dumping occurs, the proper organizational leaders will be notified about it immediately – all so that they can do something to stop it.

Use Cases

EPIC iO’s solution is invaluable in a wide range of contexts, including but not limited to:

Local and state governments can keep a watchful eye on public places in a community

Parks and Recreation departments can keep local areas clean and free from illegal activity for residents

Police departments can use the insight to quickly identify problem areas, taking action to deter illegal dumping and related activities faster than ever


DeepInsights™ is the artificial intelligence-powered solution that acts as the “brains” of EPIC iO’s solution. It allows suspicious activities like illegal dumping to be identified immediately, sending out alerts to those who can put an end to it once and for all.

All of this allows leadership to spend less time worrying about illegal dumping, so they can focus more on the organization itself.  DeepInsights™ also offers customizable dashboards to put the critical data you need to make better and more informed decisions at your fingertips.

Executive Summary

With EPIC iO's powerful solution, organizations of all types can deter people from illegally dumping material in inappropriate areas. With DeepInsights™, we also collect invaluable evidence to prosecute those offenders, like photographs and license plates, while taking meaningful steps to mitigate future cases of illegal dumping and similar issues.
EPIC iO's solution is a powerful combination of not only cameras and sensors but also a solar trailer and more. All of this combined with the Universal Internet of Things Gateway (IoT), makes critical data available to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. Data can be processed very quickly, allowing people to do something about illegal dumping and other related matters faster than ever.
Piles of household waste are abandoned on the streets of Bucharest